How we work
We innovate our working procedures
In order to be able to bring you always something extra, to quickly predict and evaluate the obtained market data, we adapt our work processes to the latest trends.
For the needs of our consulting activities we have developed an internal tool Tender Manager and are constantly improving it. You can find out more in the Tender Manager section.
We are currently introducing AI (Artificial Intelligence) to take our services to the next level and deliver even better results.
Tender manager
Tender Manager was created in 2014 as an essential part of our need to automate and improve the work on individual projects. The tool has undergone a gradual development and nowadays we use it to manage all activities in EXTECO, from sales to the creation of final project documentation.
The entire system is programmed by our in-house IT specialists. Due to its complexity, security requirements and 100% functionality, we supplement it with partial subcontracts of components.